The first channel is wineking, which follows a Korean dude who is getting mentored by 2 wine experts in California. I love how unpretentious the tastings are, and there’s always something to learn with each new video.
This family live on a catamaran, sail around the world and document their life with a new video every week. They do a great job capturing what’s it really like living in the open seas and the video production is really high quality.
How To Renovate A Chateau is a new channel from a family who are renovating a huge Chateau in Normandy, France. The size of this estate is mind-blowing.
Sailing Nahoa is another channel following a family who are sailing around the world. They have just arrived back in Thailand to pick up their boat after having to leave it there last year due to the pandemic. I’m looking forward to following their travels as they really do come across as my type of people.
What YouTube channels have you been enjoying recently? Let me know on Twitter.