
Chris Osborne

Personal Blog

Momentum App

Last week I was scanning Twitter and noticed Fred Rivett, founder of UserCompass, had posted a screenshot of an app he is using to track his daily to-do list: Going to try and bring the 10 cold emails a day to my baseline daily habits. Aim to get them done before 9am if poss. pic.twitter.com/35kg9Qj03n […]

How I would launch a new product online with a $10k marketing budget

I’ve been working online long enough to know product ideas are fairly cheap. The tricky part of building a sustainable online business for me, and many others, boils down to 2 things: Sticking with the same product/vision long enough Making money to sustain yourself and the business Thankfully the 2 problems above can often be […]

3 Weeks in London

I’ve just landed in Bangkok, Thailand, having just spent 3 weeks in London visiting family. These are our last trips before we settle down in Barcelona. Some highlights: 1. I opened up bank accounts with Revolut and Monzo – a couple of new emerging digital banking apps. Both blew me away in terms of how […]

Putting GrowthList sales on hold for a while

There were a few reasons I’ve decided to put GrowthList sales on hold for a while: 1. I’ve been updating and promoting GrowthList for over 2 years now, and to be honest, I’m a little burned out from working on the same product for so long. 2. Over the past few weeks, I haven’t stopped […]

Listicles still work (amazingly well)

Over the past few weeks, I’ve got back to publishing in-depth lists of products to generate exposure, traffic, and links for GrowthList. And boy is it working. Here are some examples: 50 FinTech Startups – This post received over 4,000 targeted visitors within the first 4 of publishing. 50 B2B Startups – This post received […]